Oakville Speed Skating Club Covid-19 Safety Plan
Oakville Speed Skating Club COVID -19 SAFETY PLAN
Club name: Oakville Speed Skating Club | Developed by: Oakville Speed Skating Club |
Date completed: July 19, 2021 | Others consulted: Government regulations, local public health, and OSSA Protocols |
Date distributed: July 19, 2021 | |
Revision date: New | |
Purpose: The purpose of this document is to outline our plans to safeguard our members from exposure to COVID-19.
A. Keeping safe from exposure to COVID-19 |
- Clubs are required to track all skater, coach and volunteer participation. Participant tracking information must be recorded and kept in order to assist with contact tracing in the event of a positive COVID-19 case within the club or training group.
- All members must be properly registered with the OSSA. This means registering all participants in IceReg.
- The club will check Ontario.ca for any updates.
- The club is responsible for understanding all COVID-19 regulations and local by-law requirements, and reviewing any new information.
- The Club’s Safety Plan should be shared with all volunteers and participants (athletes, parents or guardians, coaches, volunteers, spectators) and easily accessible. Club Safety Plans should be posted on your website and social media page, and/or shared in your newsletter.
- Clubs will designate a group of individuals or individual to oversee the implementation of this safety plan.
- Clubs will determine who will communicate with local Public Health Unit, to ask for direction or next steps for any COVID-19 situation within the club.
B. Screening: COVID-19 |
Self-Screening Measures
- All individuals taking part in club activities must self screen in accordance with current public heath guidelines prior to their participation in any club activities.
- Individuals must not attend any training session or club activity if they:
- Exhibit any COVID-19 symptoms, such as a fever, cough, difficulty breathing, or other symptoms identified by health experts
- Have been in close physical contact with someone with COVID-19 in the past 14 days and have been told to self-isolate by a Public Health Unit and/or have been told to obtain a COVID screening test
- Have returned from travel outside of Canada in the last 14 days. This does not include essential workers who cross the Canada/us border regularly.
- In the last 14 days, have been in close physical contact with someone who returned from outside Canada in the last 2 weeks and is not an essential worker with exemption from mandatory quarantine.
- In the last 14 days, have received a COVID alert exposure notification on your cell phone and have been told to self isolate or obtain a COVID screening test
- Have had a doctor, health care provider or public health unit tell them/you that they should currently be isolating (staying at home)
- The club will monitor any updates or changes to Ontario COVID-19 Screening Tool and update their self-screening questionnaire when needed.
Health Screening of Individuals
- As part of the club’s Safety Plan, clubs are also required to actively screen individuals on-site who participate in team sports, or fitness or exercise classes in accordance with advice, recommendations and instructions of the office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health before they participate in any club activities.
- Screening may be conducted verbally upon arrival at the facility or individuals may complete an online self-assessment such as the self-assessment available on the Ontario Government website.
See Appendix E Sample Health Screening Questionnaire of Ontario Speed Skating’s Return to Sport Protocol Stage 2 Version 1, June 30, 2021
- Completed online self-assessments can be saved by participants and shared with the clubs to avoid having to line up or gather to be screened prior to participating in an activity.
- Completed screening questionnaires must be kept by the clubs for a minimum of one month.
- Parents may complete the screening on behalf of a child.
- Health screenings are only valid for the day they are completed. All individuals must successfully pass the health screening in order to participate in club or OSSA activities.
- If clubs have established other mechanisms of completing Health Screening for their members, they may continue if the content is consistent with the Ontario Ministry tools:
For Minors: https://covid-19.ontario.ca/school-screening/
For Adults: https://covid-19.ontario.ca/screening/customer/
- Any participants who do not meet the screening requirements will not be permitted to participate in any club activities.
3. Control Transmission Risk
- Each club must ensure that coaches, skaters, parents, members and volunteers receive education on safety and hygiene protocols within the club as well as Government-approved information on ways to limit the spread of COVID-19 including:
- Respiratory etiquette
- Hand hygiene
- Physical distancing
- Use of Personal Protective Equipment (e.g. facial coverings)
Please see Appendix C Samples of Education Resources of Ontario Speed Skating’s Protocols Stage 2 Version 1.0
Physical Distancing
- Every person at the facility must maintain a physical distance of at least three (3) metres from every other person.
- Physical contact is not allowed and must be avoided at all times.
Limitations on size of training groups
- All club activities and training sessions must follow the current provincial, local public health, OSSA and facility guidelines with respect to the size of gatherings.
- There is no specified limit on the number of people in a fitness or exercise class, however every person must maintain a physical distance of 3 metres.
*Gathering sizes are also subject to facility guidelines. Facilities may also have their own guidelines that are more restrictive than these protocols and government regulations. Clubs are expected to adhere to any rules that are in place for their municipality.
- The number of spectators at the facility at any one time must not exceed:
- for a facility that has an area designated for spectator seating, 25 per cent of the usual seating capacity, and
- for a facility that does not have an area designated for spectator seating, 25 per cent capacity, determined by taking the total square metres of the area, dividing that number by 16 and rounding the result down to the nearest whole number.
- Spectators are also subject to local public health and facility guidelines. Facilities may also have their own guidelines regarding whether spectators are permitted in the facility.
- Anyone accompanying an athlete is expected to follow facility guidelines with respect to physical distancing and is required to wear a facial covering.
Facial Coverings
- All individuals are required to wear a non-medical facial covering in a manner that covers their mouth, nose and chin while inside a facility except if you are engaged in an athletic or fitness activity and unless the person in the indoor area:
- Has a medical condition that inhibits their ability to wear a face covering.
- Is unable to put on or remove their face covering without help from someone else.
- Receives accommodations according to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 or is being reasonably accommodated in accordance with the Human Rights Code.
- Coaches are expected to wear facial coverings at all times.
- Further information about facial coverings and additional exemptions can be found at the following link: https://www.ontario.ca/page/face-coverings-and-face-masks#section-2
Personal Hygiene
- Individuals must follow the appropriate personal hygiene guidelines as recommended by public health agencies.
- Individuals should wash their hands or use an alcohol based hand sanitizer upon entry to the site/facility or training area and at the completion of training.
- All skaters and coaches should carry alcohol based hand sanitizer in their equipment bags.
Equipment Cleaning Protocols
- Clubs are required to develop cleaning and disinfection protocols for sport specific equipment. Clubs should consult their local public health and facility in creating their cleaning and disinfecting protocols. Specify who is responsible for cleaning, the cleaning schedule, and what the cleaning protocols will include (e.g., which surfaces, tools, equipment, etc.)
- Where training includes the use of bands it is preferred that skaters use their own band but where a club loans a band to an individual it should consider loaning the band to the individual for the duration of public health measures.
- If equipment is lent by the club, they must be disinfected after each use.
Personal Equipment and Items
- No sharing of personal equipment or items is permitted.
- Individuals should bring everything they need to participate in the training activity.
- Individuals are responsible for the care and disinfection of their own equipment.
4. If there is a potential case or suspected exposure to COVID-19
- Establish an illness protocol that:
- addresses situations where individuals become unwell or show signs of COVID-19 symptoms during speed skating activities,
- includes procedures to inform OSSA, the facility, coaches, skaters, parents, members and volunteers if there has been an exposure to COVID-19 within the club or training group or if a club member is diagnosed with COVID-19 and
- includes procedures to modify, restrict, postpone or cancel training sessions or other activities based on the evolving COVID-19 pandemic
Sample Illness Policy
The purpose of this Policy is to:
- Establish a protocol if an individual becomes unwell with COVID-19 symptoms
- Designate an individual to follow up with any individuals who become unwell with symptoms of COVID-19 during club activities
- Establish a protocol for the club to inform OSSA, the facility, coaches, skaters, parents, members and volunteers if there has been an exposure to COVID-19 within the club or training group or if a club member is diagnosed with COVID-19.
- Establish procedures to modify, restrict, postpone or cancel training sessions or other activities based on the evolving COVID-19 pandemic.
An individual becomes unwell with COVID-19 symptoms
- If an individual becomes unwell with symptoms of COVID-19, or if someone is aware of an individual that becomes unwell with symptoms of COVID-19, that individual must immediately stop participation in club activities.
- If the individual becomes unwell during a training activity should be isolated from all others in a well-ventilated area, or outdoors and provided with a non-medical face mask if one is available.
- The individual shall be sent home and instructed to contact public health authorities for further guidance.
- The facility should be informed in order to determine if any areas need to be closed off and/or require additional cleaning/disinfecting.
- The designated group or individual should be informed of the situation and should contact the individual or their parent/guardian to determine if next steps are being taken regarding testing.
An individual is tested for COVID-19
- Any individual that is part of a club who has been tested for COVID-19 as a result of showing COVID-19 symptoms must not participate in club activities while waiting for the results of the test.
- The club will consult the Session Participation tracking sheets to inform other club members who might have been in close contact with the individual.
- Any club members who were in close contact with the individual should not participate in club activities and should follow public health guidelines until the diagnosis of COVID-19 is ruled out by health professionals
An individual tests positive for COVID-19
- If an individual tests positive for COVID-19, they should inform the club.
- The club through the designated individual should contact the facility and public health officials. The Session Participation tracking sheets may be used to assist public health officials in contact tracing.
- Any club members who were in close contact with the individual should not participate in club activities for 14 days and should follow public health guidelines regarding self-isolation and testing
- The club will inform Ontario Speed Skating of a positive COVID-19 diagnosis by e-mailing 33Texecutivedirector@ontarispeedskating.ca33T
Return to club activities following illness
- If no test was performed, or the COVID-19 test was negative, the individual may only return to club activities once they no longer have any symptoms of COVID-19.
Return to club activities following COVID-19
- Following a positive COVID-19 test, an individual must follow all public health guidelines regarding return to activities.
- The individual will need a note from their physician or public health authority to return to sport.
Modification/restriction/postponing or cancelling of club/skating activities
- Based on the evolving COVID-19 pandemic, the club must be prepared to follow public health, municipal/provincial government and sport recommendations regarding modifying/restricting/postponing or cancelling activities
- Clubs should establish a program cancellation policy if one does not exist already
- Clubs members should be informed as soon as possible of any modifications/restrictions or cancellations
- Clubs must keep any modifications and restrictions in place until advised that it is safe to resume activities by public health, government or sport officials
Public Health Guidelines
Clubs and members should follow all public health guidelines regarding COVID-19.
These may include:
- Any club members who themselves have travelled outside of Canada, or has someone in their household who has travelled outside Canada must self-isolate and not participate in club/skating activities for 14 days unless exempted under the Quarantine Act
- Any individual who has been exposed to someone with a confirmed case of COVID-19 should self-isolate and is not permitted to participate in club/skating activities for 14 days
- Any individual with symptoms of COVID-19 is not permitted to take part in club or skating activities
- Any individual who has someone in their household showing symptoms of COVID-19, should not participate in club/skating activities for 14 days
- Any individual who has been directed by Public Health to self-isolate must not participate in club activities.
5. Managing new risks
- Monitor and update your plans as necessary
- Things may change as your Club operates. If you identify a new area of concern, or if it seems like something is not working, take steps to update your policies and procedures.