Provincial A Championships: February 17-18, 2018
Provincial A Championships
February 17-18, 2018
The Oakville Speed Skating Club had 16 members compete in the Provincial A Championship on February 17-18th, 2018.
Of the 16 members who attended, 13 finished an outstanding 6th place or higher.
Congratulations to:
Izabella Zakatsiolo – One for her age class and one in Relays
Charlie Cotton
Andrew Liou
Zinnia Irwin – Relays
Kai Abool – Relays
Alex Giannotti – Relays
Adam DeVellis – Relays
Alex Giannotti
Top Six Placements:
4th: Ainsley Little
5th: Alina Santos, Dania El Sammak, Kai Abdool, Frank Feng
6th: Zinnia Irwin, Connor Waters, Aaron Xie
We believe Charlie Cotton will be confirmed as establishing at least 2 Provincial
Time Records for his Age Class. As well, Charlie’s 200 meter time incredibly was
faster than ALL of the Boys in the next year Age Class.
As a result of their tremendous efforts, Congratulations to the following skaters who qualified to compete for Ontario in the Canada East Championship in Quebec in late March:
Izabella Zakatsiolo, Andrew Liou, and Alex Giannotti.
The following Seven Oakville Skater are also Qualified as Alternates for the Canada East Championship:
Zinnia Irwin, Ainsley Little, Alina Santos, Connor Waters, Kai Abdool, Frank Feng, Adam DeVellis, Jaden Lo and Aaron Xie.
Thank you to Coach Emma and Matt, your time and effort with these members produced great results.
!!!! Well done Oakville Provincial Skaters !!!!